Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Acne Treatment

Now that you know that it is bacteria that causes acne, it simply doesn't make sense to pick or squeeze a bump. When you squeeze, you create more inflammation and p. acne lives on inflammation. Also, when you squeeze, you can encourage the p. acne to spread under the skin to new areas. One squeeze can trigger lots of new bumps close by. Some products are excellent at killing off the p. acne bacteria. Here is a list:

Sulfur. Sulfur unclogs pores and removes p. acne bacteria. Also used to reduce inflammation. Over the counter acne medications contain sulfur.

Tea Tree Oil. kills p. acne tea tree oil and is an ingredient in many acne skin care formulations-cleansers, toners, and moisturizers. Tea tree oil is considered as effective as benzoyl peroxide for killing p. acne bacteria, but it takes longer. However, tea tree oil doesn't cause the redness, irritation, and inflammation that's common with benzoyl peroxide.

Benzoyl Peroxide. P. acne can't live in the pressence of oxygen. Benzoyl peroxide forms oxygen deep in the pore and the p. acne dies off. Benzoyl peroxide is drying to the skin and can make it peel. Benzoyl peroxide is an active ingredient in many over the counter acne products.

Antibiotics. Antibiotics are available only by prescription from your doctor and include tetracycline and erythromycin. It's not advised to use these for an extended period of time because antibiotics have undesirable side effects, such as dehydration of the skin and killing off beneficial intestinal bacteria, which results in yeast overgrowth infections. You can also build up resistance to the effectiveness of these antibiotics, such as birth control pills.

Retin A. This prescription medication is applied topically. It's derived from vitamin A, and it helps prevent the formation of microcomedomes in which the p. acne live and multiply. Retin A removes the top layers of the skin so no oil can be trapped in the pores. Retin A can be used for longer periods of time. Think of Retin A as a super exfoliator. Because Retin A thins the skin, you need nitense sun protection every day because your face is far more susceptible to burning than normal. Also, avoid waxing your upper lip or anywhere on your face when using this product. Wear a hat that shades your face when using this product

Accutane. Accutane is a prescription only medication that's taken internally. Accutane is vitamin A at a very high dose. Use only with severe acne eruptions. Accutane severely dries up mucous membranes and has serious side effects including birth defects and mental disorders. You must sign a consent form before taking the medication. If a women decides to take Accutane, she needs to provide two negative pregnancy tests and must use two seperate effective forms of birth control for the month before starting Accutane. You receive a 30 day supply at a time and will be required to have a monthly blood test to make sure you stay healthy. A national registry is being proposed to track persons who have used this powerful medication for long term safety studies. Because of the serious nature of Accutane's side effects, make sure you have tried everything else before using this medication.

Differin. Differin is a topical prescription medication that's a Vitamin A derivative. It clears clogged pores but is gentle to the skin, and not as drying as Retin A. Use as you would Retin A, being sure to always wear a high level of sun protection.

All of these products can ease of eliminate an acne flare up. Because none of them can kill off the p. acne for the rest of your life. The best thing you can do to eliminate future outbreaks is to make lifestyle changes.

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